Combating climate change and protecting biodiversity are two of SIDI’s structural priorities. We have a long-standing commitment to the environment, with strong support for agro-ecology practices, the organization of workshops to exchange best practices, and support for players in innovative sectors (supplying renewable energy solutions or low-carbon transport, for example).
In order to make a more active contribution, we have decided to set up a new “pilot” portfolio dedicated to players who provide solutions for mitigating climate change or adapting to its effects, while operating in activities related to the agricultural sector:
- For our partners working in inclusive finance: develop ecological financial services (solar equipment financing, insurance, ecological transition loans, etc.).
- For players in agricultural value chains: support upstream the deployment of green fertilizers, solar irrigation and agroforestry; and downstream, the use of biomass energy (methanization or pyrolysis of agricultural by-products, improved stoves), productive solar equipment (refrigerators, mills).
We are also striving to improve our practices, and to this end are seeking to formalize a climate policy with objectives at our level, in order to remain consistent with the efforts made by our partners. Since 2017, we have been measuring our direct carbon footprint and part of our indirect carbon footprint (including missions linked to partner monitoring) annually. Given the nature of our business, which involves supporting and closely monitoring partners located in fragile, geographically remote areas, this footprint is significant. This is then translated into a financial effort (internal tax) enabling SIDI to contribute to the development of carbon sinks and/or support positive initiatives for the environment.
See also